Вяжем Африканский квадрат крючком

Вяжем Африканский квадрат крючком.

Подробное описание

Some general notes:

We’ll need the following stitches: chain stitch (ch), slip stitch (sl st), single crochet (sc), half double crochet (hdc), double crochet (dc), treble (tr), and spike single crochet (or “long” sc). The spike sc’s are explained below, please use the pictures as a help, too.


1st Round: start with a magic ring and work *2dc, ch-1* eight times inside the ring (8 dc-2 groups, 16 dc’s). (Tip: Alternatively you can work dc-2-togs instead of the dc-2 groups)


2nd Round: with a new color work *3dc, ch-1* in each ch1-space around (8×3 dc’s)


3rd Round: with a new color work *2dc, ch-2, 2dc* in every ch1-space (8 shells)


4th Round: work 7 dc’s in every ch2-space around. (56 dc’s, no ch-spaces!) (Tip: I like this motif best, when the 3rd and 4th round are worked in the same color)


5th Round: with a new color work sc’s in every dc around, with spike-sc’s between the shells of the 3rd round. (For the spike-sc (or “long” sc), insert your hook into the little space between the shells of round 3, pull up a loop to the height of your current working round, yarn over and pull through the two loops on your hook.)


In the 6th Round we have to square the flower: join your new color with a standing hdc (or ch-2) in any spike-sc. Then work *sc’s into the next 4 sc’s, 1 hdc into the next sc, dc’s into the next 2 sc’s, (1tr, ch-3, 1tr) into the next spike-sc, dc’s into the next 2 sc’s, 1 hdc into the next sc, sc’s into the next 4 sc’s, 1 hdc into the next spike-sc* and repeat around (omitting the last hdc) until the end of the round.


7th Round: work dc’s in every stitch around, with *2dc, ch-2, 2dc* in the corner-spaces of the previous round. Fasten off, weave in the ends, and you’re done!!


Источник: Made in K-town: African Flower Square Tutorial

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