Учимся вышиванию в стиле Сашико. Sashiko Tutorial

Sashiko is a Japanese style of needlework. Literally meaning “little stabs,” sashiko was originally used to strengthen and reinforce fabric through a series of running stitches.Sashiko has evolved into a more decorative form and today is used to create patterns on table linens and tenugui, cloth bags, and clothing such as kimono. Sashiko is best-known for its striking style of natural-color yarn on indigo fabric, though modern patterns are stitched in any color, pattern, or on any fabric.

Materials Needed:

  • patterns chalk pencil or transfer paper & tracing tools
  • needle
  • thread or embroidery floss
  • solid cotton fabric for stitching



Begin by drawing your design onto fabric or transfer a pattern using chalk paper and a tracing tool.For transferring patterns I recommend using chalk paper and a tracing tool, but you may also use tailor’s carbon transfer paper, tissue paper and transfer pens, or the light box method.For those using chalk or carbon paper, begin by securing your fabric to a tabletop with washi tape or weights. Place the chalk paper on top of the fabric, chalk-side down. Place the pattern on top of the chalk paper. If you need to extend your pattern, make additional copies and tape them together. Once you are satisfied with your arrangement, tape or weight the pattern so it does not move while tracing.With a tracing tool or pointy object, trace over all of the pattern lines. If desired, you can place a sheet of clear plastic on top of your pattern to help ease the tool along the lines, but it isn’t necessary.When all of the pattern lines have been transferred, you are ready to stitch.


Источник: Sashiko Tutorial | Saké Puppets

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